Viber API Documentation7.3.0

Docs / API / Viber REST API


Get Started

To implement the API, you will need the following:

  1. An Active Viber account on a platform that supports bots (iOS/Android). This account will be set as the account administrator after the account creation process.
  2. Active bot — since 5.02.24, Viber bots can only be created on commercial terms. Find out how to apply for a chatbot in Rakuten Viber here.
  3. Account authentication token - unique account identifier used to validate your account in all API requests. Each request posted to Rakuten Viber by the account will need to contain the token. When your bot is created, you will be added as an admin and the token will appear in your Viber account settings (More > Settings > Bots > Edit Info > Your app key)
  4. Set-up account webhook — this needs to be done once during the account setup process to define your webhook and the type of responses you would like to receive.

Supported platforms

Bots are currently supported on iOS and Android devices running Viber version 6.5 and above and on desktop from version 6.5.3.

Important notes for bot developers:

  1. Please note that since 5.02.24, Viber bots can only be created on commercial terms. You can apply to create chatbots on Rakuten Viber by reaching out directly to us or through our verified official partners. Please find more information here. Once you’ve created your bot, you are welcome to share it with your Rakuten Viber contacts or promote it outside Viber on your website or social media channels using a deeplink. You can also promote your chatbot using other Rakuten Viber solutions for business: for example, Viber Ads, Stickers, or Lenses.
  2. We recommend that you record the subscriber ID of each subscriber, as there’s no API for fetching all subscriber IDs for your bot. You can find the subscriber ID in the property of the Message callback, or the property of the Subscribed callback. You can see whether a user is subscribed in the subscribed parameter of the conversation_started callback. Note that users’ first message to the bot will make them subscribed, but will not result in a Subscribed callback.
  3. If you wish to message users based on their phone number and using an API, we offer a service called Business Messages that supports working with an existing customer database. You can apply to use this service via one of our official partners. You can see which partners cover your geographical area in their description. Our partners will be able to provide you with further details about the service.

Send and receive message flow

The following diagram describes the flow of sending and receiving messages by the account. All API requests and callbacks mentioned in the diagram will be explained later in this document.

Authentication token

The authentication token (also known as application key) is a unique and secret account identifier. It is used to authenticate request in the Viber API and to prevent unauthorized persons from sending requests on behalf of a bot. Each API request must include an HTTP Header called X-Viber-Auth-Token containing the account’s authentication token.

HTTP header

X-Viber-Auth-Token: 445da6az1s345z78-dazcczb2542zv51a-e0vc5fva17480im9

The authentication token is generated upon bot creation and can be viewed by the account’s admins in the “edit info” screen of their bot or on the Viber Admin Panel.

Note: Failing to send the authentication token in the header will result in an error with the missing_auth_token message.


Once you have your token you will be able to set your account’s webhook. This webhook will be used for receiving callbacks and user messages from Viber.

Setting the webhook will be done by calling the set_webhook API with a valid & certified URL. This action defines the account’s webhook and the type of events the account wants to be notified about.

For security reasons only URLs with valid and official SSL certificate from a trusted CA will be allowed. The certificate CA should be on the Sun Java trusted root certificates list.

Once a set_webhook request is sent Viber will send a callback to the webhook to check its availability and return a response to the user. The check succeeds if the Viber server receives HTTP status 200 in response to the callback, but fails if it recieves any other status. If your set_webhook response doesn’t have "status":0, please verify that all requests to your webhook URL receive HTTP status 200 in response.

Note that once you set your webhook the 1-on-1 conversation with your account will become available. To disable 1-on-1 conversation with your account you’ll need to remove your webhook – see removing your webhook below.

Viber’s API allows you to receive user names and photos. This has been updated to comply with privacy laws and allow developers who don’t make use of user names and photos as part of their service to opt out. If you don’t use user names photos, please opt-out to default values.

To set the request, pass send_name and send_photo flags with the set_webhook request.

Note: This feature will work if the user has allowed “Content Personalisation” (More → Privacy → personal data). If the user has disallowed content personalization, you will receive placeholder values.

Setting a Webhook

Resource URL

Post data


Post parameters

Name Description Validation
url required. Account webhook URL to receive callbacks & messages from users Webhook URL must use SSL Note: Viber doesn’t support self signed certificates
event_types optional. Indicates the types of Viber events that the account owner would like to be notified about. Don’t include this parameter in your request to get all events Possible values: delivered, seen, failed, subscribed, unsubscribed , conversation_started and message
send_name optional. Indicates whether or not the bot should receive the user name. Default true Possible values: true, false
send_photo optional. Indicates whether or not the bot should receive the user photo. Default true Possible values: true, false

Set webhook Response


Response parameters

Name Description Possible values
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure – appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok.
Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
event_types List of event types you will receive a callback for. Should return the same values sent in the request delivered, seen, failed, subscribed, unsubscribed , conversation_started and message

Event types filtering

The event_types parameter allows accounts to choose which events they would get a callback for.
The following events are mandatory and can’t be filtered out: message, subscribed and unsubscribed.
The following events can be filtered out during the set_webhook request: delivered, seen, failed and conversation_started.
Sending a set_webhook request with no event_types parameter means getting all events.
Sending a set_webhook request with empty event_types list ("event_types": []) means getting only mandatory events. See callbacks section for full callbacks events information.

Set webhook callback

For each set_webhook request Viber will send a callback to the webhook URL to confirm it is available. The expected HTTP response to the callback is 200 OK – any other response will mean the webhook is not available. If the webhook is not available the set_webhook response sent to the user will be status 1: invalidUrl.

Callback data

Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type – which event triggered the callback webhook
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
message_token Unique ID of the message  

Removing your webhook

Once you set a webhook to your bot your 1-on-1 conversation button will appear and users will be able to access it.
At the moment there is no option to disable the 1-on-1 conversation from the bot settings, so to disable this option you’ll need to remove the webhook you set for the account. Removing the webhook is done by Posting a set_webhook request with an empty webhook string.

Resource URL

Post data


Post parameters

Name Description
url required. Account webhook URL to receive callbacks & messages from users. In this case, use an empty string to remove any previously set webhook

Send Message

The send_message API allows accounts to send messages to Viber users who subscribe to the account. Sending a message to a user will be possible only after the user has subscribed to the bot. (see subscribed callback for additional information). You can share your bot with the users via a deeplink.

The API supports a variety of message types: text, picture, video, file, location, sticker, contact, carousel content and URL. Specific post data examples and required parameters for each message type are given below.


Maximum total JSON size of the request is 30kb.

Resource URL

General send message parameters

The following parameters are available for all message types:

Name Description Validation
receiver Unique Viber user id required, subscribed valid user id
type Message type required. Available message types: text, picture, video, file, location, contact, sticker, carousel content and url The sender’s name to display required. Max 28 characters
sender.avatar The sender’s avatar URL optional. Avatar size should be no more than 100 kb. Recommended 720x720
tracking_data Allow the account to track messages and user’s replies. Sent tracking_data value will be passed back with user’s reply optional. max 4096 characters
min_api_version Minimal API version required by clients for this message (default 1) optional. client version support the API version. Certain features may not work as expected if set to a number that’s below their requirements.


Response parameters

Name Description Possible values
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure - appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok.
Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
message_token Unique ID of the message  
chat_hostname Internal use  
billing_status An indication of how this message is categorized for billing purposes, allowing you to know if it was charged or not An integer between 0 and 5. See below an explanation for all possible values.

Below you can find the possible values for the billing_status parameter:

Value Description
0 Default for all cases other than the ones listed below: chat extension, reply to open conversation, etc.
1 1:1 message/keyboard sent in a session
2 1:1 message/keyboard sent in a session
3 Free out of session 1:1 message/keyboard
4 Free out of session 1:1 message/keyboard
5 Charged out of session 1:1 message/keyboard

Response example:


Message types

Below is a list of all supported message types with post data examples.

Text message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",
   "text":"Hello world!"

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. text. Supports text formatting
text The text of the message required. Max length 7,000 characters

Picture message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",
   "text":"Photo description",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. picture
text Description of the photo. Can be an empty string if irrelevant required. Max 768 characters
media URL of the image (JPEG, PNG, non-animated GIF) required. The URL must have a resource with a .jpeg, .png or .gif file extension as the last path segment. Example: Max image size: 1MB on iOS, 3MB on Android. Note GIFs are only static. To send animated GIFs please check URL message
thumbnail URL of a reduced size image (JPEG, PNG, GIF) optional. Recommended: 400x400. Max size: 100kb.

Video message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. video
media URL of the video (MP4, H264) required. Max size 26 MB. Only MP4 and H264 are supported. The URL must have a resource with a .mp4 file extension as the last path segment. Example:
size Size of the video in bytes required
duration Video duration in seconds; will be displayed to the receiver optional. Max 180 seconds
thumbnail URL of a reduced size image (JPEG) optional. Max size 100 kb. Recommended: 400x400. Only JPEG format is supported

File message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. file
media URL of the file required. Max size 50 MB. URL should include the file extension. See forbidden file formats for unsupported file types
size Size of the file in bytes required
file_name Name of the file required. File name should include extension. Max 256 characters (including file extension). Sending a file without extension or with the wrong extension might cause the client to be unable to open the file

Contact message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. contact Name of the contact required. Max 28 characters
contact.phone_number Phone number of the contact required. Max 18 characters

Location message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. location
location Location coordinates required. latitude (±90°) & longitude (±180°) within valid ranges

URL message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. url
media URL, GIF required. Max 2,000 characters

Sticker message

Post data
      "name":"John McClane",
   "tracking_data":"tracking data",

Post parameters

Name Description Validation
type Message type required. sticker
sticker_id Unique Viber sticker ID. For examples visit the sticker IDs page  

The Rich Media message type allows sending messages with pre-defined layout, including height (rows number), width (columns number), text, images and buttons.

Below you will find an exmaple of a Carousel Content Message, that allows a user to scroll through a list of items, each composed of an image, description and call to action button.

Each item on the list shown to the user is a button in the Rich Media message’s “Buttons” array. Sending one button is also permitted.

The parameters for Rich Media message and its buttons are also used for Keyboards. You can find additional information on them in the following article.


  1. Carousel Content Message is supported on devices running Viber version 6.7 and above.
  2. Each button is limited to a maximum of 7 rows.
  3. Forwarding is not supported for Rich Media messages.
  4. ActionTypes location-picker and share-phone are not supported for Rich Media messages.
Post data
            "Text":"<font color=#323232><b>Headphones with Microphone, On-ear Wired earphones</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Sound Intone </font><font color=#6fc133>$17.99</font>",
            "Text":"<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>",
            "Text":"<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>",
            "Text":"<font color=#323232><b>Hanes Men's Humor Graphic T-Shirt</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Hanes</font><font color=#6fc133>$10.99</font>",
            "Text":"<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>",
            "Text":"<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>",

Post parameters

Name Description Possible values
alt_text Backward compatibility text  
rich_media.ButtonsGroupColumns Number of columns per carousel content block. Default 6 columns 1 - 6
rich_media.ButtonsGroupRows Number of rows per carousel content block. Default 7 rows 1 - 7
rich_media.Buttons Array of buttons Max of 6 * ButtonsGroupColumns * ButtonsGroupRows

Button element

Name Description Possible values
Columns Button column span. Default ButtonsGroupColumns 1..ButtonsGroupColumns
Rows Button row span. Default ButtonsGroupRows 1..ButtonsGroupRows


The Viber API allows sending a custom keyboard using the send_message API, to supply the user with a set of predefined replies or actions. The keyboard can be attached to any message type or sent on it’s on. Once received, the keyboard will appear to the user instead of the device’s native keyboard. The keyboards are fully customizable and can be created and designed specifically for the account’s needs. The client will always display the last keyboard that was sent to it.

Read the following article to learn more about keyboards.


Maximum total JSON size of the request is 30kb.

Resource URL

Post data

Keyboards can be attached to any message type and be sent and displayed together. To attach a keyboard to a message simply add the keyboard’s parameters to the message JSON.
The example below shows a keyboard sent with a text message (note that the keyboard doesn’t contain all optional values).

   "text":"Hello world",
            "ActionBody":"reply to me",
            "Text":"Key text",

Broadcast Message

The broadcast_message API allows accounts to send messages to multiple Viber users who subscribe to the account. Sending a message to a user will be possible only after the user has subscribed to the bot by sending a message to the bot.

The API supports a variety of message types: text, picture, video, file, location, sticker, contact, carousel content and URL.


Maximum total JSON size of the request is 30kb. The maximum list length is 300 receivers. The Broadcast API is used to send messages to multiple recipients with a rate limit of 500 requests in a 10 seconds window.

Resource URL

Post parameters

This API method uses the same parameters as the send REST API method with a few variations described below.


This mandatory parameter defines the recipients for the message. Every user must be subscribed and have a valid user id. The maximum list length is 300 receivers. For example (this should be a part of the full JSON body):


Place holders

Broadcast message can contain place holders that will be replaced with receiver information (each receiver will get it’s own information). The place holders can appear anywhere in the message, even in tracking data. The list of the place holders:

Post example

The following example demonstrates send carousel content with placeholders (replace_me_with_receiver_id, replace_me_with_url_encoded_receiver_id, replace_me_with_user_name) to 4 receivers:

      "name":"John McClane",
            "Text":"Should get back my ID instead of replace_me_with_receiver_id"
            "Text":"Should get back my URL encoded ID instead of replace_me_with_url_encoded_receiver_id"
            "Text":"Should get back my name instead of replace_me_with_user_name"


Response parameters

Name Description Possible values
message_token Unique ID of the message  
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure – appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok. Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
failed_list Contains all the receivers to which the message could not be sent properly See error codes table for additional information

Response example

         "status_message":"Not subscribed"
         "status_message":"Not found"

Get Account Info

The get_account_info request will fetch the account’s details as registered in Viber. The account admin will be able to edit most of these details from his Viber client.

Resource URL

Post data



   "name":"account name",
   "subcategory":"sub category",
         "name":"my name",

Response parameters

Name Description Possible values
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure – appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok.
Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
id Unique numeric id of the account  
name Account name Max 75 characters
uri Unique URI of the Account  
icon Account icon URL JPEG, 720x720, size no more than 512 kb
background Conversation background URL JPEG, max 1920x1920, size no more than 512 kb
category Account category  
subcategory Account sub-category  
location Account location (coordinates). Will be used for finding accounts near me lat & lon coordinates
country Account country 2 letters country code - ISO ALPHA-2 Code
webhook Account registered webhook webhook URL
event_types Account registered events – as set by set_webhook request delivered, seen, failed and conversation_started
subscribers_count Number of subscribers  
members Members of the bot’s public chat id, name, avatar, role for each Public Chat member (admin/participant). Deprecated.

Get User Details

The get_user_details request will fetch the details of a specific Viber user based on his unique user ID. The user ID can be obtained from the callbacks sent to the account regarding user’s actions. This request can be sent twice during a 12 hours period for each user ID.

Resource URL

Post data


Post parameters

Name Description Validation
id Unique Viber user id required. subscribed valid user id


      "name":"John McClane",
      "primary_device_os":"android 7.1",

Response parameters

Name Description Possible values
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure – appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok.
Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, receiverNoSuitableDevice, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
message_token Unique id of the message Unique Viber user id User’s Viber name  
user.avatar URL of the user’s avatar User’s country code 2 letters country code - ISO ALPHA-2 Code
user.language The language set in the user’s Viber settings. ISO 639-1
user.primary_device_os The operating system type and version of the user’s primary device.  
user.api_version Max API version, matching the most updated user’s device Currently only 1. Additional versions will be added in the future
user.viber_version The Viber version installed on the user’s primary device  
user.mcc Mobile country code  
user.mnc Mobile network code  
user.device_type The user’s device type  

Get Online

The get_online request will fetch the online status of a given subscribed account members. The API supports up to 100 user id per request and those users must be subscribed to the account.

Resource URL

Post data


Post parameters

Name Description Validation
ids Unique Viber user id required. 100 ids per request



Response parameters

Name Description Possible values  
status Action result 0 for success. In case of failure – appropriate failure status number. See error codes table for additional information  
status_message ok or failure reason Success: ok.
Failure: invalidAuthToken, badData, missingData and failure. See error codes table for additional information.
Http code 404: Requesting an invalid URL.
user[x].id Unique Viber user id    
user[x].online_status Online status code 0 for online, 1 for offline, 2 for undisclosed - user set Viber to hide status, 3 for try later - internal error, 4 for unavailable - not a Viber user / unsubscribed / unregistered  
user[x]. online_status_message Online status message    


Each callback will contain a signature on the JSON passed to the callback. The signature is HMAC with SHA256 that will use the authentication token as the key and the JSON as the value. The result will be passed as HTTP Header X-Viber-Content-Signature so the receiver can determine the origin of the message.

Re-try logic

In case the webhook is offline Viber will re-try to deliver the callback until HTTP status code 200 is received. There will be 10 retry attempts with exponential intervals:


Key (your bot’s authentication token):





HTTP header

X-Viber-Content-Signature: b8046cb85baaa7909d211779da609db0bd4e3c3cf63620a66a80b3e0a4228357  


Before an account can send messages to a user, the user will need to subscribe to the account. Subscribing can take place if the user sends a message to the bot - when a user sends its first message to a bot the user will be automatically subscribed to the bot. Sending the first message will not trigger a subscribe callback, only a message callback (see receive message from user section).

You will receive a subscribed event when unsubscribed users do the following:

  1. Open conversation with the bot.
  2. Tap on the 3-dots button in the top right and then on “Chat Info”.
  3. Tap on “Receive messages”.

Note: A subscribe event will delete any context or tracking_data information related to the conversation. This means that if a user had a conversation with a service and then chose to unsubscribe and subscribe again, a new conversation will be started without any information related to the old conversation.

Callback data

      "name":"John McClane",

Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback subscribed
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time Unique Viber user id User’s Viber name  
user.avatar URL of user’s avatar User’s 2 letter country code ISO ALPHA-2 Code
user.language User’s phone language. Will be returned according to the device language ISO 639-1
user.api_version The maximal Viber version that is supported by all of the user’s devices  
message_token Unique ID of the message  
chat_hostname Internal use  


The user will have the option to unsubscribe from the PA. This will trigger an unsubscribed callback.

Callback data


Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback unsubscribed
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
user_id Unique Viber user id  
message_token Unique ID of the message  

Conversation started

Conversation started event fires when a user opens a conversation with the bot using the “message” button (found on the account’s info screen) or using a deep link.

This event is not considered a subscribe event and doesn’t allow the account to send messages to the user; however, it will allow sending one “welcome message” to the user. See sending a welcome message below for more information.

Once a conversation_started callback is received, the Bot will be able to send a single “welcome message” sent as a regular send_message request. The receiver parameter is mandatory in this case.

Note: the conversation_started callback doesn’t contain the context parameter by default.

To add this paramater and determine its value, you can use a deeplink like this: viber://pa?chatURI=your_bot_URI&context=your_context

Callback data

   "context":"context information",
      "name":"John McClane",

Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback conversation_started
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
message_token Unique ID of the message  
type The specific type of conversation_started event open. Additional types may be added in the future
context Any additional parameters added to the deep link used to access the conversation passed as a string. See deep link section for additional information Unique Viber user id User’s Viber name  
user.avatar URL of user’s avatar User’s 2 letter country code ISO ALPHA-2 Code
user.language User’s phone language  
user.api_version Max API version, matching the most updated user’s device  
subscribed indicated whether a user is already subscribed true if subscribed and false otherwise

Sending a welcome message

The Viber API allows sending messages to users only after they subscribe to the account. However, Viber allows the account to send a single “welcome message” to a user when the user initiates the conversation, before the user subscribed.

The welcome message will be sent as a regular message, following conversation_started callback, which will be received from Viber once the user opens the conversation with the account. To learn more about conversation_started event and its triggering conditions, please refer to Conversation started in the callbacks section of the documentation.

Welcome message flow

Sending a welcome message will be done according to the following flow:

  1. The user initiates a one-on-one conversation with the bot.
  2. The Viber server sends conversation_started event to bot’s webhook.
  3. The account receives the conversation_started event and should respond within 5 minutes by sending a message request to the send_message endpoint.

Message receipts callbacks

Viber offers message status updates for each message sent, allowing the account to be notified when the message was delivered to the user’s device (delivered status) and when the conversation containing the message was opened (seen status).

The seen callback will only be sent once when the user reads the unread messages, regardless of the number of messages sent to them, or the number of devices they are using.

If the message recipient is using their Viber account on multiple devices, each of the devices will return a delivered, meaning that several delivered callbacks can be received for a single message.

If Viber is unable to deliver the message to the client it will try to deliver it for up to 14 days. If the message wasn’t delivered within the 14 days it will not be delivered and no “delivered” or “seen” callbacks will be received for it.

Callback data


Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback delivered, seen
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
message_token Unique ID of the message  
user_id Unique Viber user id  

Failed callback

The “failed” callback will be triggered if a message has reached the client but failed any of the client validations.

Since some of the message validations take place on the server while the others take place on the client, some messages may only fail after reaching the client. In such cases the flow will be as follows:

  1. Message is sent.
  2. Response with status 0 is received to indicate a successful request.
  3. The message reaches the client and fails client validation.
  4. “Failed” callback is sent to the webhook, containing the unique message token and a string explaining the failure.

Even though the verification fails, such messages can still be delivered to users and receive delivery statuses.

Callback data

   "desc":"failure description"

Callback parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback failed
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
message_token Unique ID of the message  
user_id Unique Viber user id  
desc A string describing the failure  

Receive message from user

The Chat API allows the user to send messages to the PA. Excluding file type, all message types are supported for sending from bot to user and from user to bot. These include: text, picture, video, contact, URL and location. The following callback data describes the structure of messages sent from user to PA.

Callback data

      "name":"John McClane",
      "text":"a message to the service",
      "tracking_data":"tracking data"

Callback general parameters

Name Description Possible values
event Callback type - which event triggered the callback message
timestamp Time of the event that triggered the callback Epoch time
message_token Unique ID of the message Unique Viber user id of the message sender Sender’s Viber name  
sender.avatar Sender’s avatar URL Sender’s 2 letter country code ISO ALPHA-2 Code
sender.language Sender’s phone language. Will be returned according to the device language ISO 639-1
sender.api_version The maximal Viber version that is supported by all of the user’s devices  
message Detailed in the chart below  

Callback message parameters

The callback message parameters depend on the type of message. For each message type, only the relevant parameters will be received.

Name Description Possible values
type Message type text, picture, video, file, sticker, contact, url and location
text The message text  
media URL of the message media - can be image, video, file and url. Image/Video/File URLs will have a TTL of 1 hour  
location Location coordinates lat & lon within valid ranges
contact name - contact’s username, phone_number - contact’s phone number and avatar as the avatar URL name - max 128 characters. Only one phone_number per contact can be sent
tracking_data Tracking data sent with the last message to the user  
file_name File name Relevant for file type messages
file_size File size in bytes Relevant for file type messages
duration Video length in milliseconds Relevant for video type messages
sticker_id Viber sticker id Relevant for sticker type messages

Message status

Once a 200 OK response is received from the PA, the message status will change to delivered on the user’s side. “Seen” status is not currently supported for messages sent from user to PA.

Error Codes

The following error codes will be returned with API responses. The status parameter will include the error code value while the status_message parameter will include the error name or a more specific string describing the error.

Value Name Description
0 ok Success
1 invalidUrl The webhook URL is not valid
2 invalidAuthToken The authentication token is not valid
3 badData There is an error in the request itself (missing comma, brackets, etc.)
4 missingData Some mandatory data is missing
5 receiverNotRegistered The receiver is not registered to Viber
6 receiverNotSubscribed The receiver is not subscribed to the account
7 publicAccountBlocked The account is blocked
8 publicAccountNotFound The account associated with the token is not a account.
9 publicAccountSuspended The account is suspended
10 webhookNotSet No webhook was set for the account
11 receiverNoSuitableDevice The receiver is using a device or a Viber version that don’t support accounts
12 tooManyRequests Rate control breach
13 apiVersionNotSupported Maximum supported account version by all user’s devices is less than the minApiVersion in the message
14 incompatibleWithVersion minApiVersion is not compatible to the message fields
15 publicAccountNotAuthorized The account is not authorized
16 inchatReplyMessageNotAllowed Inline message not allowed
17 publicAccountIsNotInline The account is not inline
18 noPublicChat Failed to post to public account. The bot is missing a Public Chat interface
19 cannotSendBroadcast Cannot send broadcast message
20 broadcastNotAllowed Attempt to send broadcast message from the bot
21 unsupportedCountry The message sent is not supported in the destination country
22 paymentUnsupported The bot does not support payment messages
23 freeMessagesExceeded The bot has reached the monthly threshold
24 noBalance No balance for a billable bot
other General error General error

Note: Failing to send the authentication token in the header will result in an error with the missing auth_token message.

Forbidden File Formats

Extension Format Operating system(s)
ACTION Automator Action Mac OS
APK Application Android
APP Executable Mac OS
BAT Batch File Windows
BIN Binary Executable Windows, Mac OS, Linux
CMD Command Script Windows
COM Command File Windows
COMMAND Terminal Command Mac OS
CPL Control Panel Extension Windows
CSH C Shell Script Mac OS, Linux
EXE Executable Windows
GADGET Windows Gadget Windows
INF1 Setup Information File Windows
INS Internet Communication Settings Windows
INX InstallShield Compiled Script Windows
IPA Application iOS
ISU InstallShield Uninstaller Script Windows
JOB Windows Task Scheduler Job File Windows
JSE JScript Encoded File Windows
KSH Unix Korn Shell Script Linux
LNK File Shortcut Windows
MSC Microsoft Common Console Document Windows
MSI Windows Installer Package Windows
MSP Windows Installer Patch Windows
MST Windows Installer Setup Transform File Windows
OSX Executable Mac OS
OUT Executable Linux
PAF Portable Application Installer File Windows
PIF Program Information File Windows
PRG Executable GEM
PS1 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Windows
REG Registry Data File Windows
RGS Registry Script Windows
RUN Executable Linux
SCT Windows Scriptlet Windows
SHB Windows Document Shortcut Windows
SHS Shell Scrap Object Windows
U3P U3 Smart Application Windows
VB VBScript File Windows
VBE VBScript Encoded Script Windows
VBS VBScript File Windows
VBSCRIPT Visual Basic Script Windows
WORKFLOW Automator Workflow Mac OS
WS Windows Script Windows
WSF Windows Script Windows